Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nazarene Girls' Stories

The girls of Nazarene Girl Power make an impressive bunch as they all line up in their matching uniforms ready to sing a welcome song to their visitors.  Afterwards the group gather around to talk about how Girl Power works in their schools. “There are about 36 girls in our Girl Power club” says chairlady of the Nazarene Girl Power group, Mildred.  Mildred is also the head girl at her school, a great achievement to be in both roles.  Girl Power has been active in this school for two years and the school has put aside time each week for the girls to undertake Girl Power activities once a week, based on the programs running which have been introduced by Jayoung and Hazel May.

When asked what are the most important things they have gotten out of Girl Power, there is a flurry of answers. “Being good at taking care of ourselves”, “how to know yourself as a woman”, “being empowered!” are just some of the answers thrown forward.  Mildred elaborates.  “Being empowered means that standing on your own position.  Like for example, if a boy wants you to have sex with him, when you say ‘no’, let your no be no.  This happens a lot to us.  You will find you are sitting together and one will have negative emotions and the other one positive.  We have found that a lot of boys want sex, but we know we can say no and feel OK”.  “It has taught us that if we see someone in trouble, we shall just offer advice and help.  For example, when it is the case of a friend, you should just advise her how to do it and how to protect herself” another girl ventures.

Through Girl Power they have learnt to play a lot of sports.  Netball, Football, Swimming, Tennis, and Golf are the favourites of the girls.  Sadili Oval Sports Academy has played a large role in giving these girls the opportunity to explore these sports as well as other skills.  “The Girl Power activity was last held on April 15th to 20th and we all went” says Mildred. “The best thing about that was that we learned how to be Goal Champions, and we leant the money savvy module. It’s very important to know how to look after your money”. These skills will definitely be needed as the girls grow up, with all of the girls having fantastic ambitions.  “I want to be a lawyer” ventures one girl shyly.  “A journalist, a surgeon, a marathon runner, a nurse, a gynecologist, a lawyer” are the other answers that come flooding. 

These girls certainly have a bright future if they can continue with their study at school.  You can help by donating at

Written by Hannah Collins, volunteer at Girl Power
Approved by Dr Liz Odera, Director at Sadili Oval Sports Academy

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