Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Girl Power Business Formation Groups

Girl Power Clubs Africa members across Nairobi are thrilled about the opportunity to receive business education from our dedicated facilitators. This initiative aims to equip young girls with essential entrepreneurial skills, fostering their creativity and empowering them to explore their potential. The students have been organized into groups of about seven, based on their unique skills and abilities, ensuring a diverse range of talents and perspectives within each team.

Within these groups, the girls engage in dynamic brainstorming sessions, exploring various business ideas they can start at a young age. Some of the innovative business ideas presented by the girls include selling snacks like mandazis to their peers during break time and offering mending services for torn school uniforms. These ideas reflect the girls' keen understanding of their immediate environment and the practical needs of their fellow students.

The girls are confident that, with the support and guidance from the facilitators and teachers, they can successfully implement these business ideas. This confidence is nurtured through hands-on learning experiences and mentorship, which provide the girls with a solid foundation in business principles and practical skills.

As seen in the picture, some Girl Power members are actively discussing their business ideas, demonstrating their enthusiasm and commitment to this initiative. The discussions are vibrant and filled with creative energy, as the girls exchange thoughts and refine their concepts.

Lillian, one of the students, expressed her excitement about the program: 

"When I grow up, I want to become a businesswoman, so getting a business education right now will help me become responsible and achieve my goals in the future."

Her statement highlights the profound impact this program has on the girls, inspiring them to envision a future where they are empowered, responsible, and successful.

This initiative not only provides the girls with valuable business knowledge but also instills in them a sense of responsibility and ambition. By nurturing their entrepreneurial spirit at a young age, the program lays the groundwork for a generation of empowered women ready to contribute positively to their communities and the broader economy.


Written by Medrine Kidavae

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